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First Aid Kit Checklist for Schools: Free Template Download.

first aid checklist for schools

First aid in schools

It isn’t just designated first aiders that access the first aid kit in schools. Teachers can administer basic first aid without qualifications or training, although training is always suggested. Supporting students with minor grazes or cuts can be a frequent occurrence for teachers, especially primary school teachers. Some schools stock each classroom with a first aid kit, while others have all equipment in one area or room.

Early Career Teachers (ECTs), supply teachers and trainees may not know the levels of first aid they can administer or what their classroom first aid kit should include. It can be useful to share this information across the school to ensure consistency of first aid provision in your school. 

First aid kit checklists are useful for those responsible for auditing your setting’s first aid provision (usually the designated first aider in the school.) Having a full and well-stocked first aid kit in each classroom is useful but not essential. The school’s first aid room or area must have a kit that meets the minimum standard suggested by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Download our free first aid kit checklist template to share with your school team.


What to include in a first aid kit?

There is no set list that the Department for Education (DfE) require schools to use when creating a first aid kit. The HSE does have guidance for the minimum to include in the kit, this is a good starting point when creating one that is suitable for the needs of the pupils at your school. Your annual first aid risk assessment should highlight the risks and their likelihood for your setting. These risks should form an additional list of first aid materials you may need.

Your first aid software will help you to identify the commonly recorded incidents across your school or multi-academy trust. Giving you insight into the most useful pieces of equipment you will need to deliver effective first aid. Extra-curricular trips and visits can range from sporting activities to museum visits.

The designated first aider will be responsible for the first aid kit during these offsite trips, it is worthwhile encouraging all staff (especially ECTs) to run through the checklist before they leave the premises. Using Medical Tracker, all students attending the trip’s medical conditions and medicines are visible via a one-paged profile, highlighting pupils with life-threatening allergies and asthma. 

Free downloadable first aid kit checklist for schools

Download Now: Free First-aid kit template

Free downloadable first aid kit checklist for schools

HSE suggests the minimum contents of a school first aid kit should be able to cover the basic trips, bumps and grazes, recommending any serious injuries are progressed to further medical attention. Most schools include the HSE general advice on first aid leaflet inside their first aid kit.


Tracking first aid incidents in school 

Medical Tracker is the UK’s leading online first-aid software. Removing the need for school accident books, this simple yet analytical software improves your first aid provision in your educational setting, reduces staff workload, allows for analysis of your school’s safety and improves parent communication. Get in touch with one of our experts to book a free 15-minute demo.

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