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Medical Tracker Blog

Get tips and advice on using Medical Tracker to monitor medical needs of students and staff.


2 min read

How to use technology to reduce teacher workload.

Teachers have a demanding workload, they are responsible for the health, safety and development of the children in their classes. Even small tasks add up and can pose a serious risk to achieving a work-life balance. Recording and reporting first aid...

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2 min read

First Aid Kit Checklist for Schools: Free Template Download.

First aid in schools

It isn’t just designated first aiders that access the first aid kit in schools. Teachers can administer basic first aid without qualifications or training, although training is always suggested. Supporting students with minor grazes...

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2 min read

How To Respond to An Asthma Attack Quickly: School Pupils And Parents Edition.

Over 12% of the UK population have asthma: a condition that impacts a person’s airways. With asthma, airways can become irritated and are more sensitive to factors that can cause a reaction. There are common triggers for asthma: allergies, pollen,...

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3 min read

First Aid Risk Assessment 2023: Why, When and How.

School leaders are responsible for meeting the minimum statutory requirement for first aid. Included in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , Headteachers and MAT CEOs are tasked with ensuring ‘reasonable precautions’ are taken to identify health and...

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2 min read

First aid in school: treating a minor head injury.

Bumped heads (minor head injuries) are one of the most common injuries recorded in primary schools, with an increased risk of injury during playtimes, lunchtimes, and PE lessons. Schools are required to have designated first aiders trained and prepared...

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3 min read

Invasive group A strep (IGAS) & how to manage in schools & nurseries

There have recently been 8 deaths in children under the age of 12 in the UK linked to Invasive Group A Strep (IGAS). With the UK still recovering from the Covid 19 global pandemic, it is understandable that parents and school staff want to know what...

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4 min read

How to Support Students with Asthma in School Effectively.

Asthma is one of the most common conditions in schools, and with over 86% of students forgetting to take their inhalers when they may have needed them, schools must know how to prepare for and support asthmatic learners (and staff) effectively. Whether...

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3 min read

Safeguarding in schools: Section 15, the forgotten section.

Safeguarding is the key focus in schools; school provision is centred around providing staff with training on identifying signs of the four areas of abuse and the associated process to support the child as best as possible. Headteachers and CEOs must...

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1 min read

June 2022 Product Update

1. One time link access to records

If staff are in the middle of class or receive multiple automated notifications during lunchtime, they will want quick and easy access to the information they need.

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May 2022 Product Update

1. Mental health and wellbeing recording

National initiatives have an emphasis on prevention and early intervention at school, and using Medical Tracker, you can now track mental health or mental wellbeing visits to help identify at-risk students.
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