Ofsted fear the rise of flexi-schooling. Should we too?
Alarm bells are ringing
Last week, we reported that Sir Martyn Oliver of Ofsted was increasingly worried about the rise of flexi-schooling.
1 min read
Alex Oselton November 26 2024
The Department for Education (DfE) recently released information for eligible schools about the School-Based Nursery Capital Grant (SBN Capital Grant) 2024 to 2025.
Eligible schools are able to bid for up to £150,000 of capital funding to convert spare space in their school into a nursery.
Not only this, but eligible schools are also able to expand an existing nursery!
FYI, there are certain parameters which the funding cannot be used for, for instance:
1. You are not able to upgrade existing nursery facilities without adding new childcare places.
2. You are not able to build new nurseries on spare land.
3. You cannot use the funding for extension projects which do not also include the use of existing spare space in the school building.
To be eligible, you need to be:
✅ A state-funded Primary phase school in England.
✅ Already offer some early education such as reception class.
❌ Maintained nursery schools.
❌ Special schools.
If you are not eligible, the DfE have offered their rationale.
"They do not have spare space created by declining primary school rolls".
If you are a maintained nursery school or special school, however, the DfE encourage you to register your interest to open new nursery places in the future. This will help inform future development of the programme.
To apply, use your DfE Sign-in account and submit your application, including all supporting documents, via the online application service by midday on 19 December 2024.
Please feel free to share this article with your colleagues, governors or parents to make them aware of this funding. The deadline is fast approaching and we wouldn't want eligible schools to miss out.
Even if you aren't eligible, remember you are able to register your interest which will influence future capital funding initiatives and inform future policy.
We are sure the demand for this funding will be well received. Research shows that only 29% of local councils have spaces for children under two. In some instances, some nurseries have waiting list stretching a year.
Last week, we reported that Sir Martyn Oliver of Ofsted was increasingly worried about the rise of flexi-schooling.
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The inspectorate’s annual report warns of a "rise in unorthodox patterns in education."
'Flexi-schooling' is certainly a...