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Medical Tracker Blog

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Children's health

3 min read

Spotting anaphylaxis: know the symptoms

Safety and wellbeing are paramount in any work or learning environment, especially when children are involved. When it comes to schools, along with the various health and safety concerns that teachers and other staff must be aware of, anaphylaxis stands...

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3 min read

First aid: treating bumps, bruises and sprains

Even the most safety-conscious school can’t eliminate the risk of students suffering bumps, bruises and sprain injuries. So, when these injuries occur, what is the best way to treat them?

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6 min read

Student Well-being: Understanding the Challenges and Encouraging Resilience

In the 21st century, children and students can have a lot to contend with. There’s the pressures of school, including performance demands and social worries, and the added burden that social media can bring. Comparisons with who’s wearing what and who’s...

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6 min read

6 school hazards that fly under the radar

Schools are places of learning and adventure for pupils, but they should also be safe environments where students feel protected and secure. This is why schools take health and safety extremely seriously.

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3 min read

Top often-missed sleep disorder symptoms in students

It’s hard to overstate the importance of regular good sleep for students. Sleep is known to regulate and revitalise many of the body’s functions, ranging from memory and learning to mood. This means that youngsters who don’t get enough rest on an ongoing...

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3 min read

Sleep: the importance of a good night’s rest for children

Not getting enough sleep can have a big impact on children. Even one night of insufficient sleep can cause youngsters to be tired and irritable the next day. But why exactly is getting enough shuteye so vital for children, and how much sleep do they...

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3 min read

What schools need to know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

It is normal to miss the summer months and lighter evenings, but when does season preference turn into seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? We explore all you need to know about SAD and how to support your pupils and staff through these winter months.

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