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Medical Tracker Blog

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Pupil support

2 min read

Flexi-schooling and the impact on health and safety management.

What is 'Flexi-schooling'?

The inspectorate’s annual report warns of a "rise in unorthodox patterns in education."

'Flexi-schooling' is certainly a new phenomenon that is open to interpretation. So, what are the impacts?

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4 min read

How can parents help a child with ADHD?

Globally, as many as 5% of all children have ADHD, while another 5% are believed to show similar significant difficulties with hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. This second 5% of children typically exhibit symptoms that are just under the...

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5 min read

10 back to school activities: Easy transition day activities for your class.

It’s the first day of school after the summer break, and you want to start the year off with a bang. But not a glitter-filled bang that will have you peeling the children off the ceiling. Your school may have a transition day on the first day back, or...

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