2 min read
Health and safety safeguarding for homeschooling.
Child protection and wellbeing
Bridget Phillipson has described it as a "seminal moment," as proposed new laws for child protection are set to pass through parliament.
Get tips and advice on using Medical Tracker to monitor medical needs of students and staff.
2 min read
Bridget Phillipson has described it as a "seminal moment," as proposed new laws for child protection are set to pass through parliament.
2 min read
Last week, we reported that Sir Martyn Oliver of Ofsted was increasingly worried about the rise of flexi-schooling.
Flexi-schooling permits students to attend school part-time while completing lessons, school work, and other...
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How Proposed Safeguarding Laws and Data-Driven Tools Can Empower Schools
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The inspectorate’s annual report warns of a "rise in unorthodox patterns in education."
'Flexi-schooling' is certainly a new phenomenon that is open to interpretation. So, what are the impacts?
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It goes without saying that ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children within a school environment is absolutely paramount. After all, schools don’t only serve as centres of learning and education, they should also represent nurturing environments...
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It is normal to miss the summer months and lighter evenings, but when does season preference turn into seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? We explore all you need to know about SAD and how to support your pupils and staff through these winter months.
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The Autumn term can whizz by in a flash. Settling in the new children, staff inductions and new policies to implement. Regularly undertaking a health and safety audit across your school is beneficial. If you are a part of a MAT, undertaking the same H&S...
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School leaders are responsible for meeting the minimum statutory requirement for first aid. Included in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , Headteachers and MAT CEOs are tasked with ensuring ‘reasonable precautions’ are taken to identify health and...
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There have recently been 8 deaths in children under the age of 12 in the UK linked to Invasive Group A Strep (IGAS). With the UK still recovering from the Covid 19 global pandemic, it is understandable that parents and school staff want to know what...
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Safeguarding is the key focus in schools; school provision is centred around providing staff with training on identifying signs of the four areas of abuse and the associated process to support the child as best as possible. Headteachers and CEOs must...