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Track student health records

Find and track all student health records easily online. Find pupil incident and injury history simply using electronic health record software for students.

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Track student health records

Find and track all student health records easily online. Find pupil incident and injury history simply using electronic health record software for students.

Book 15-minute demo

Search whole-school student medical records

Want to monitor the number of specific injuries of incidents across your school? Our easy filter options help you to find and analyse specific incidents. Drill down into insight injury reports, allowing you to collate data surrounding types of first aid incidents recorded.

Online allergy tracker for schools.

Find full student health records

You may need to find medical information to support a safeguarding concern or EHCP application, Medical Tracker provides full access to a student’s health records. With every logged incident searchable, SENDCos and school staff can find information about the number of incidents, types of incident and outcomes of injury with the click of a button.

An image accessing full pupil health data.

Monitor a pupil’s medical record

You may have several children in your school setting that regularly use inhalers or AAI pens (EpiPens). Monitor the number of incidents that are logged surrounding asthma attacks or AAI pen use across your school using electronic health record software for students.

A graph showing the number of first aid incidents in a school.

Easily export student electronic health records

Sharing of special category data like medical records must be done so carefully, as to avoid GDPR issues and data breaches. Medical Tracker safely stores all medical data, allowing staff with designated administrative permissions and visibilities to download and export data.

Student health records can be downloaded to Excel or PDF format. Schools can even choose to email the important data internally, helping with internal monitoring and analysis of health and safety across the school.

An excel document exporting pupils' medical data.

Access pupil medication history

Ranging from inhaler use to medication for ADHD, school staff can log any medication administered easily online. School staff are able to access the pupil medication history, tracking impact new medication doses may have on concentration and progress in school.

It can be useful to access a pupil’s medication record when meeting with the local school-nurse professionals. Helping to build a bigger picture for medical and health management for conditions such as asthma, diabetes, ADHD and much more.

An online medication administration sheet for schools.

Why schools love Medical Tracker

Medical Tracker has helped us electronically and professionally upload accident/incidents of children in a quicker and more efficient way. We have also been able to store children's care plans, and upload onto Medical Tracker any medication required for children.
Nicola Jackson
Administrative Officer
It helps me with our site manager and look at health and safety improvements. For example, In technology, the bulk of our injuries were eye injuries and it was through not wearing safety goggles. So we were able to locate what health and safety issues are happening in departments.
Judy Wilson
School Nurse

Next steps

Contact our UK-based team to organise a demo and get a quote for your school or Multi Academy Trust.

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