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Online accident book for nurseries

Online software to record and track first aid for babies.

Medical Tracker improves health and safety in early years settings. Helping your nursery practitioners to record and track infant first aid incidents via the online nursery accident book.

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Nursery online accident book, helping childcare settings to stay DfE health and safety compliant.

🎉 Trusted by 75,000+ staff in 2,500+ schools

Ken Stimpson Perins School King Hedges Education Federation Hailsham Community College The Cavendish School the avon valley school and performing arts college Denbigh School Furze Platt Senior School Chingford Foundation School Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy School 21 Isleworth and Syon School

Let’s explore why Medical Tracker is loved by nursery schools



Monitor health and safety hotspots.

Track the recorded first aid incidents (including near-miss incidents) via your online accident book to spot potential risk and hazard trends.


Record all infant first aid incidents effectively.

All staff members have an individual log-in for Medical Tracker. They can record a first aid, near-miss or mental health concern for their key worker children in less than 30-seconds. 


Create reports for governors or trustees.

You may be a LA nursery or linked to a primary school; create simple reports to demonstrate your awareness of the health and safety incidents in your nursery.

online health and safety tracker for nurseries.


Record infant first aid incidents immediately

The EYFS statutory framework states that Ofsted registered childcare settings must keep a written record of accidents, injuries and first aid treatment.


Inform parents of any injuries as soon as reasonably practical

Parents must be informed of any accident or injury sustained during nursery care as soon as reasonably practical (or on the same day). Send automated parent notifications with Medical Tracker.


Notify Ofsted of serious incidents, illness or injury

Using the accident investigation forms, nurseries can record all pieces of relevant information relating to a serious health and safety incident.


Nursery owners and managers are able to stay DfE first aid compliant with Medical Tracker.


Track Paediatric First Aid qualifications

Your setting must have at least one member of staff who is PFA trained available at all times (including on outings). Track and monitor your staff’s PFA qualification expiration easily.


Monitor your PFA-trained staff

It is useful to see the even spread of Paediatric First Aid-trained staff across your nursery. Monitor the number of nursery practitioners who currently hold a full PFA certificate or an emergency PFA certificate.


Identify SEND-specific training for staff

Using a one-paged profile, your staff can highlight the missing training needed to effectively support SEND children’s needs. For example, your EYFS team may need specific Diabetes training based on recorded child information.

track PFA qualifications online for nursery practitioners.


Immediate access to life-saving information

Monitor children’s allergies effectively online with detailed information stored in the cloud-based accident book


Quickly find allergies for EYFS

Using Medical Tracker’s filtered search feature, your nursery practitioners can quickly find any allergies to be aware of. Helpful when planning fun EYFS activities with food.


Track EpiPen expiry dates

EpiPens are a life-saving piece of kit and must be in date to be effective. Track children’s medication expiry through your online first aid software, reminding parents when they need replacing automatically too.

nursery - online allergy tracker (1)


Notify parents of a nappy change.

Keep parents informed of intimate care events and first aid incidents.

Reduce new parent anxieties about nursery

Sending a child to nursery for the first time is daunting. Automatically notify parents of intimate care events, such as changing a nappy. Unsure when a child’s last nappy change was? Have a look at the child’s history using their online nursery accident book to track nappy changes easily.


Help with home-nursery routines

A child’s routine may be different than normal when on a nursery day. Help to smooth the routine change between home and nursery with automatic updates for nappy changes and any incidents throughout the day (including extremely unsettled behaviour). 



A baby being cared for by a nursery practitioner

Improve first aid and health and safety in your nursery.

Standardise recording and reporting of first aid for babies, infants and toddlers across your childcare setting. 

Create reports on health and safety risks in your nursery.

Easily create reports to identify areas of risk or necessary increased supervision in your childcare setting.


Personalised notification settings for nursery managers.

Decide the first aid notifications you receive as nursery manager. You may want to be alerted of every incident in a small setting or filter for accidents resulting in hospitalisation or serious risk.


create health and safety reports for your nursery.

Next steps

Contact our UK-based team to organise a demo and get a quote for your nurseries and childcare provisions.

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It helps me with our site manager and look at health and safety improvements. For example, In technology, the bulk of our injuries were eye injuries and it was through not wearing safety goggles. So we were able to locate what health and safety issues are happening in departments.
Judy Wilson
School Nurse, Kennet School
Parents receive instant notifications when incidents or medication administration are recorded. A full communication audit trail is saved. This helps parents feel that their child is well looked after at school- great for Ofsted!
Linda Hopper
Bursar,Bugbrooke Community Primary School
It's a really simple solution to a complex problem. I can't think why no one has come up with it before now. It’s also easy to get support and the system is being developed all the time.
Lynda Jackson
Senior Administrator & Finance Manager, Hawthorn Tree Primary School